Supporting Your Practice

The RCMA provides the support you need to
maintain a successful practice

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VyTrac is a Remote Patient Monitoring Program that provides support in areas such as chronic care management, remote therapeutic and transitional care management. RCMA members will receive waived onboarding fees and discounted monthly fees. Contact Zachary Fink at (888) 889-8722 or to learn more about the program and navigate potential reimbursement.

NetServe Systems, Inc.

NetServe Systems Inc. is a comprehensive one-stop IT solution for medical offices handling ALL your IT needs. NetServe is offering RCMA Members a free Network/Security assessment, free any-time technical consultation on IT purchases and a 20% discount on all IT related and HIPAA compliance services. To access this benefit please contact Linda Duong at or (949) 752-6788.

Inland Empire HIO

Inland Empire Health Information Organization (IEHIO) is a non-profit grass-roots organization providing linkage between healthcare stakeholders in the Inland Empire and Manifest MedEX, a statewide HIE formed through the merger of Inland Empire Health Information Exchange and Cal INDEX. Free MX Participation


Manifest MedEx (MX) is a non-profit organization providing real-time health data to help practices and clinics succeed. MX’s goal is to have every doctor, medical group, hospital, ACO and managed care organization have industrial-strength patient information. Free MX Participation

Mayaco Marketing and Internet

 Mayaco Design and Marketing Mayaco Design and Marketing offers discounted website development services for their practices. For more information visit or call (209) 957-8629.

Are you interested in becoming a RCMA Business Partner? Submit A Proposal!